MTB Circuits

The region has 2 large mountain-biking areas

The “Espace VTT Suisse Normande”, accredited by the French Cycling Federation, offers 38 mountain bike trails covering more than 800 km.

5 mountain bike trails leave from Athis-de-l’Orne, Bréel, La Roche d’Oëtre and, for the more sporting there’s a 132 km tour of Suisse Normande. Topographical guide on sale at Tourist Information Offices (€5)

The Jean Dumaine mountain bike base has been awarded the Fédération Française de Cyclotourisme label, with 690 km of mountain bike trails, including 6 green, 8 blue, 7 red and 6 black! The topoguide is on sale for €5.

List of mountain bike trails

La Ferté-Macé sector