Orne Aventure – La Roche d’Oëtre

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© Pont d’Ouilly Loisirs
© Pont d’Ouilly Loisirs
Roche d’Oëtre Orne Aventure – St Philbert sur Orne
Roche d’Oëtre Orne Aventure – St Philbert sur Orne
Roche d’Oëtre Orne Aventure – St Philbert sur Orne
TrampÔforest – Sauts entre amis – Forêt Adrénaline Carnac
Roche d’Oëtre Orne Aventure – St Philbert sur Orne

In the heart of the oldest mountains in Europe, Roche Oëtre Orne Adventure acro Park of Swiss Normandy.

7 courses – 90 games. From 3 years old.
Come with appropriate clothing and shoes.

A course with 7 workshops is offered for children ages from 3 to 5 years with free access.
This route does not require special safety equipment (harnesses, lanyards, carabiners ..) workshops all meet European safety standards.